Welcome to the Vivante experience, the newest platform that helps you live life to the fullest

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Live life to the fullest and enjoy all the sounds that come with it


The Vivante platform as our best sound performance yet, delivering the sounds of the good life no matter where clients are off tonex by automatically adjusting to their lifestyle

Integra OS has evolved to have a new 8th listening environment, conversation in loud noise, utilizing our newhyperfocus feature. For the most complex, noisy situations, hyperfocus improves the Signal-To-Noise Ratio(SNR) face-to-face conversations

Vivante features our new 360 conversation in car manual program that automatically focuses on speech, regardless of where passengers are sitting

Sound performance technology

Sometimes the most advanced solutions are the one you don't notice at all. Our signal processing technology is designed to provide a natural listening experience throught an optimal first fit with an easy transition to maximum clarity-plus automatic detection and response to changing listening environments

Hearing solutions designed for life

Our award winning, fully equipped and universally connected hearing aids are designed to combine aesthetics, comfort and intuitive functionality to solve real-life chanllenges

Experience Innovations to love

Just like a journey is more than points on a map, better hearing is about more than an audiogram. Our suite of Experience innovations features creating and leverage data-driven insights that help provide a unique and personalized hearing care experience

Moxi Vivante products are designed for those who appreciate aesthetics, comfort and ease-of-use

Moxi Vivante features new RIC designs and new charging cases. We present to you: Moxi V, the smallest RIC on the platform, with newly designed charging cases you can easily insert and remove the hearing devices thanks to the magnetic pull insertion.




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