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World Hearing Day 2024 - Let's Make Ear and Hearing Care a Reality for All!

It is estimated that nearly 2.5 billion people suffer from hearing problems, and at least 700 million will need hearing rehabilitation by 2050, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). More than 80% of the global need for ear and hearing care is still unmet. One of the main factors is the public’s misunderstanding, including:

Is hearing loss only a problem for the elderly?

One common misconception is that hearing problems are only faced by the elderly. In reality, hearing problems can impact individuals of all ages, including infants. Unidentified hearing problems can affect speech, language, and cognitive development. Early detection is crucial, especially when it comes to infants, as it allows for timely intervention, and treatment varies depending on the degree and cause, including hearing aids, hearing rehabilitation, cochlear implants, and speech therapy. Therefore, it is important for all children to undergo screening to ensure they have access to these essential services.

Is it only prolonged exposure to loud noises that causes hearing problems?

Exposure to loud sounds such as fireworks and gunshots can damage hearing. The popular use of earbuds can cause irreversible hearing damage due to unsafe listening practices. To prevent these hearing issues, it is important to limit exposure to loud noises, reduce volume, or distance yourself from noise sources. If this cannot be avoided, hearing protection devices can be used. Hearing protection plays an important role in protecting the ears from noise-induced hearing problems. Get consultation with an audiologist to choose the right hearing protection device for your needs.

Does hearing loss not affect other aspects of health?

Hearing loss is closely linked to dementia risk. Mild hearing loss doubles the risk of dementia, moderate hearing loss triples it, and severe hearing loss increases the risk five times. A 2020 report from the Lancet Commission suggests that hearing loss is one of the modifiable risk factors for dementia. The effects of untreated hearing loss can lead to social isolation, frustration, and depression. Therefore, intervention for hearing loss is essential for ensuring overall well-being.

How to get hearing assistance and cochlear implants in Malaysia?

Hearing aids and cochlear implants are medical devices that require registration with the Malaysian Medical Device Authority. These devices require a prescription from an audiologist who holds a certified Health Worker certificate under the Ministry of Health. The devices are customized based on individual needs and hearing tests to ensure optimal functionality, followed by hearing rehabilitation sessions. For those who do not benefit from hearing aids, cochlear implants provide an alternative solution. These implants directly stimulate the auditory nerve, bypassing the damaged inner ear components. Cooperation involving audiologists and other professionals like ENT specialists, speech therapists, and others ensures comprehensive care for patients.

Learn more & register now for a free hearing test with an audiologist. Terms and conditions apply.

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