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World Hearing Day 2024 - Changing Mindsets: Let’s Make Ear and Hearing Care a Reality for All!

Almost 2.5 billion people are estimated to have some degree of hearing loss, and at least 700 million will require hearing rehabilitation by 2050, according to the (World Health Organization (WHO) fact sheet on deafness and hearing loss). More than 80% of the ear and hearing care needs worldwide remain unmet. Societal misperceptions and stigmatizing mindsets are recognized as the key factors that hinder efforts in preventing and addressing hearing loss. So, what are these common misconceptions & stigmatizing mindsets? 

Hearing loss only happens to the elderly? 

One common misconception is that hearing loss only affects the elderly. In reality, hearing loss can impact individuals of all ages,  including newborns. Undetected hearing loss can significantly hinder speech, language, and cognitive development. Early detection is crucial, especially when it comes to newborns, as it allows for timely intervention. Newborn hearing screening plays an important role in identifying potential issues at the earliest opportunity. The treatment options for hearing loss in newborn and children vary depending on the severity and underlying cause, ranging from hearing aids, hearing rehabilitation, cochlear implants and speech therapy. Since hearing loss is not always distinctly visible, it is important for all children to be tested to ensure they have access to these vital services. 

Only prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause hearing loss? 

Exposure to loud noises like fireworks, concerts, or gunshots can damage hearing. With earbuds rising in popularity, young adults may suffer from irreversible hearing loss due to unsafe listening practices. However, this noise-induced hearing loss is preventable by limiting exposure to loud noise, reducing the volume, or moving away from the sound source. If neither option is feasible, hearing protection devices can be used.  Hearing protection plays an important role in protecting our ears against noise-induced hearing loss. Get consultation with an audiologist to select the most suitable hearing protection devices tailored to your needs.  

Does Hearing Loss Only Affect Hearing Difficulty? 

Hearing loss correlates with dementia risk. Mild hearing loss doubles the risk of dementia, moderate loss triples the risk, and severe loss increases the risk of developing dementia five times more. The 2020 report of the Lancet Commission suggested that hearing loss is one of the risk factors for dementia which is possibly modifiable. Hearing loss might result in cognitive decline through reduced cognitive stimulation. Untreated hearing loss also contributes to social isolation, frustration, depression, and falls. Therefore, hearing intervention is essential for overall well-being.  

How to get hearing aid and cochlear implant in Malaysia?  

Hearing aids and cochlear implants are medical devices that require registration with the Medical Device Authority Malaysia. Hearing aids cannot simply be bought and used immediately; they must be prescribed by audiologists holding an Allied Health Practitioner certificate registered under the Ministry of Health Malaysia. This is because hearing aids are customized to individual hearing test results and listening needs for optimal outcomes and require hearing rehabilitation once prescribed. 

For individuals with severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss who cannot benefit from hearing aids, a cochlear implant offers an alternative solution. These implants directly stimulate the auditory nerve, bypassing damaged inner ear parts and providing sound perception. Audiologists will work closely with a multidisciplinary team, including ENTs, speech therapists, counselors, social workers, and administrative staff, to ensure patients receive quality care throughout their implant journey.  

Countering the common misconceptions and changing the stigmatizing mindsets are important to improve equitable access to ear and hearing care. Sign up now to claim a complimentary hearing test with an audiologist. T&C Apply. 

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